With the holiday weekend it was shocking to realize that we will have
Jesse LeDoux at
Schmancy THIS FRIDAY!! So stop by and check out his fabulous show "Perfect Forecast," but for now here is an interview with Jesse!
Schmancy: How much do you get to travel for work?
Jesse: For a while I was traveling quite a lot. So much, in fact, that I got elite frequent flier status. However, I've stuck pretty close to home lately, which has been a nice change. Typically, the grass is always greener, though with traveling, I've found myself content with wherever I currently am. If I'm at home, I'm happy being home. And if I'm away, I'm pretty excited to be away.
Schmancy: So true! So where is your favorite place?
Jesse: As for favorite places, I really miss Japan a lot. I think about its various charms frequently. I'd really love to be someplace warm right now. Anyplace warm right now. Even the NW, if it would ever heat up. TURN IT UP, Mother Nature! I've got some swimming to do!
Schmancy: Swimming is a bit chilly in Seattle, but yes let's hope this change in weather will stay in the 70's! Hmm...so where is your secret hideout in the city?
Jesse: Oh c'mon! It wouldn't be much of a secret if I told you, would it? To be honest, I prefer exploring new places instead of frequenting favorite places. I want to know other people's secret hideouts.
Schmancy: Ah darn it I tried to trick ya! Oh well...What's your favorite kind of sweet/candy?
Jesse: I-C-E C-R-E-A-M. Fruity flavors in the summer, chocolately/carmelly ones in the winter. Unless boozy flavors are an option. Those trump all. I had a bourbon chocolate ice cream cone last year that had me wishing I had skipped dinner.
Schmancy: yum. I just had sour cream icecream, it was interesting and making me want some of your bourbon chocolate...Onto more important things like, when you were young what did you want to "do" with your life?
Jesse: I recently found a "Time Capsule" questionnaire that I did when I was 10 years old. It said I wanted to be a cartoonist. I suppose I'm not too far off.
Schmancy: WOW! that's pretty rad - I actually wanted to be a cartoonist for Disney (this was before all the CGI though...) Do you have any secret talents (the amazing artwork isn't secret!)
Jesse: More secrets, eh? I have an uncanny ability of putting my foot in my mouth. Put me in any social situation. Within a half hour, I'll have insulted someone, embarrassed myself, or inadvertently made an ill fated joke that falls flat and could be construed as dirty. And frequently, I can do it in the first 10 seconds. If social awkwardness were a career, my assistant's assistant would be doing this interview as I golf from my helicopter hovering above my penthouse.
Schmancy: I'd like to see that! What's your favorite thing to do during the Seattle summer?
Jesse: I really enjoy swimming. Not lap swimming, but SWIMMING swimming. Cannonballs, Donald Ducks, and backflopping while attempting 1-and-a-halfs. That's summer fun.
Schmancy: back to that swimming eh? Might need to take a tropical vacation! Do you have any events/exciting news to tell all the schmancy fans?
Jesse: I have this show at Schmancy that you may have heard about. In August, Patent Pending (which is my poster company I share with Jeff Kleinsmith) is having a big 11 year retrospective show at the Design Commission in Pioneer Square. I was going to have work in a show at the MADRE Contemporary Art Museum in Italy this Autumn, but due to shifting politics in Italy, their funding got cut (which is a HUGE bummer!). I'm also part of a large (and currently top secret) group show in L.A. in October that will be pretty crazy. There are some other things on the horizon, but it's too early to squeal about that. Sign up for my mailing list or follow me on Twitter and you can be the first to hear the squeals.
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Sign Up! But make sure to check out his new work at Schmancy this Friday July 9 from 6-9pm